Performed by The Countrymen Zoomer Roberts: vocal, electric bass Gordon Young: emcee, drums Hank Telford: rhythm guitar Carlis Vannatter: steel guitar Dub Purvis: fiddle Recorded at Hines Lumber Co., El Paso TX 1978
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What it is...
I've been playing music in the El Paso area for nearly fifty years, and I've accumulated hundreds of tapes along the way. Here they are. Most of these performances were captured with inexpensive portable equipment in living rooms, taverns, houses of worship, festival tents and theatres. Some were recorded off the radio, some directly from public address systems. A few were actually recorded in professional recording studios. Some of these hands are folded now, and some of these voices are stilled. This is what I've done, where I've been and who I've known. This is my scrapbook.
El Paso artist Pat Olchefski-Winston (Buddy's wife) did this vibrant water color of Buddy and me in 2001. For more information about Pat and her work, go to: and
With Ernest Tubb ~ 1980
Back in 1983 with Mickey Cochran (guitar) and Bobby Napier (fiddle). Bobby went on to bigger things, including a stint with Tammy Wynette.